How EVE started


The concept of EVE was first developed at the Berlin Summit for EVE, held in Berlin, Germany, on 3-7 July 2023.

The Berlin Summit set the stage for international collaboration on Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE), ushering in a new era of scientific innovation and climate resilience.

Stay tuned as the outcomes of the Berlin Summit and the progress of the EVE centers unfold, bringing us closer to a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come!

Credit: Tristan Vostry

The Berlin Summit brought together invited participants from across the world to draft a blueprint for EVE.

During the summit’s opening, prominent keynote speakers underscored the necessity of international collaboration to access the key technologies at the scale required to advance Earth system knowledge.

Their discussions aimed to establish a foundation for sustainable planetary management in the Anthropocene.

EVE was first articulated in a statement developed based on input and ideas refined within breakout groups over the course of the Summit.

Credit: Tristan Vostry

"Technology offers tremendous opportunities for helping people to imagine their world — to make the results of our actions tangible — and for creating the tools we will need to manage the world in the Anthropocene.

The question posed by the Berlin Summit for EVE was how to best access and use advanced technologies, the world over, to best realize this potential."


Keynote talks

CERN – Structure and Governance

Climate and Sustainability with the Fugaku Supercomputer or, it’s all about Sustainable Economic Prosperity

Earth Observation Satellites for EVE

Earth Virtualization Engines

Earth-2 at the Berlin Summit for EVE

EVE & (Re)Insurance

EVE: the Science Case

Explore digital for sustainability

Grand Challenge: Supercomputing

In-situ Earth observations: challenges and opportunities for EVE

International Cooperation for Realizing a Carbon Neutrality World from a Policy Perspective

Knowledge and data gaps in the IPCC’s AR6 reports

Need for km-scale climate modelling

Pluralism for Science and Justice: Lessons from Central European History

Possible paths towards a Global Climate Community to benefit from EVE

Potentials impacts of EVE on the Global South = Provision of better climate information services based on more efficient modelling approach

Setting a standard for climate risk science: a use case for EVE

Supercomputing for EVE: Today, tomorrow, and how to do it in a sustainable way

The Amazon near a tipping point. The need for a new bioeconomy for standing forests. Amazon Green Deal

The role of observations in EVE & Some observations about EVE from the perspective of Destination Earth