What is EVE

EVE is envisioned as a federation of centers bridging, with the aid of high-performance computing and AI, the information, knowledge and imagination gaps between the climate experts and the civil society.

"Key knowledge and data gaps link to key components of transformative change. And this change needs to be driven by system transitions, transformative adaptation and climate-resilient development."


Endorsing EVE

Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany

ANACIM, Senegal

Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

CLICCS, Germany

DKRZ, Germany

Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland


Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Latest Thinking GmbH, Germany

Leipzig Institute for Meteorology, Germany

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany

University of Hamburg, Germany

University of Helsinki, Finland

World Meteorological Organization

Stefan Adami, AI engineering GmbH, DE
Tariq Ali, U. Birmigham, UK
Ola Al-Sarhan, DENA, DE
Hartwig Anzt, KIT, DE
Zafer Aslan, Istanbul Aydın University, TR
Sabine Attinger, UFZ, DE
Jaana Bäck, U. Helsinki, FI
Johanna Baehr, U. Hamburg, DE
Peter Bauer, Destination Earth, EU
Natacha Bernier, WMO
Bob Bishop, ICES, CH
Hendryk Bockelmann, DKRZ, DE
Sandrine Bony, CNRS, FR
Guy Brasseur, MPI-M, DE
David N. Bresch, ETH Zurich, CH
Sean Breyer, Esri Inc., US
Gilbert Brunet, BoM, AU
Carlo Buontempo, ECMWF, EU
Pier Luigi Buttigieg, AWI, DE
Junji Cao, IAP, CAS, CN
Euan Casey, The Royal Society, UK
Christelle Castet, AXA Climate, FR
Yafang Cheng, MPI-C, DE
Deborah Coen, Yale University, US
Susanne Crewell, U. Cologne, DE
Atish Dabholkar, ICTP, IT
Qing Dai, Tencent, CN
Ayantika Dey Choudhury, IITM, IN
Francisco Doblas-Reyes, BSC, ES
Nicolas Dube, HPE, CA
Peter Dueben, ECMWF, EU
Dale Durran, U. Washington, US
Charles Ewen, Met Office, UK
Eleftheria Exarchou, MITIGA Solutions, ES
Florencia Falkinhoff, MPI-DS, DE
David Farrell, CIMH, BB
Piers Forster, U. Leeds, UK
Ariane Frassoni, INPE, BR
Claudia Frauen, DKRZ, DE
Barbara Früh, DWD, DE
Oliver Fuhrer, MeteoSwiss, CH
Shahzad Gani, IIT Delhi, IN
Edwin Gerber, NYU, US
Debra Goldfarb, AWS, US
Jens Grieger, FU Berlin, DE
Nicolas Gruber, ETH Zurich, CH
Wilco Hazeleger, U. Utrecht, NL
Rolf Herken, MINE, DE
Bruce Hewitson, U. Cape Town, ZA
Chris Hewitt, WMO
Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zurich, CH
Huang-Hsiung Hsu, RCEC, TW
Jensen Huang, NVIDIA, US
Daniela Jacob, GERICS, DE
Alexandra Jahn, U. Colorado, US
Christian Jakob, Monash Uni, AU
Andrew Jones, Microsoft, UK
Thomas Jung, AWI, DE
Christopher Kadow, DKRZ, DE
In-Sik Kang, IOC/SIO, CN
Sarah Kang, MPI-M, DE
Karthik Kashinath, NVIDIA, US
Elizabeth Kendon, Met Office, UK
Jim Kinter, GMU, US
Ulrike Kirchner, MPI-M, DE
Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, U. Hamburg, DE
Daniel Klocke, MPI-M, DE
Uta Kloenne, Climate Analytics, DE
Milan Klöwer, MIT, US
Chihiro Kodama, JAMSTEC, JP
Stefan Kollet, FZ-Jülich, DE
Jenni Kontkanen, CSC-IT, FI
Steve Kopp, Esri Inc., US
Michal Koran, Global Arena RI, CZ
Thilo Körkel, New Ground e.K., DE
Markku Kulmala, U. Helsinki, FI
Hanna Lappalainen, U. Helsinki, FI
Fakhria Latifi, TU Darmstadt, DE
Bryan Lawrence, NCAS, U. Reading, UK
June-Yi Lee, PNU, KR
Quentin Lejeune, Climate Analytics, DE
Christian Lessig, U. Magdeburg, DE
Chao Li, MPI-M, DE
Thomas Lippert, FZ-Jülich, DE
Jürg Luterbacher, WMO
Jochem Marotzke, MPI-M, DE
Peter Messmer, NVIDIA, US
Gero Michel, AIG Re, BM
Kristel Michielsen, FZ-Jülich, DE
Tomoki Miyakawa, U. Tokyo, JP
Samuel Morin, CNRS, CNRM, FR
Oliver Morton, The Economist, UK
Jens Müller, U. Eberswalde, DE
Ramsha Munir, TU Darmstadt, DE
Sandeep Narayanasetti, IITM, IN
Ousmane Ndiaye, ANACIM, SN
Carlos Nobre, SPA, BR
Achim Oberg, U. Hamburg, DE
Riko Oki, JAXA, JP
Tuba Özkan-Haller, OSU, US
Tim Palmer, U. Oxford, UK
Stan Posey, NVIDIA, US
Andreas Prein, NCAR, US
Odessa Primus, Global Arena RI, CZ
Mike Pritchard, NVIDIA, US
Julie Pullen, Propeller Ventures, US
Dian Putrasahan, MPI-M, DE
Johannes Quaas, U. Leipzig, DE
Krishnan Raghavan, IITM, IN
Stefan Rahmstorf, PIK e.V., DE
V. Ramaswamy, NOAA, GFDL, US
Markus Rapp, DLR, DE
Florian Rauser, BfS, DE
Markus Reichstein, MPI-BGC, DE
Aromar Revi, IIHS, IN
Debra Roberts, IPCC WG-II
Johan Rockström, PIK e.V., DE
Irina Sandu, ECMWF, EU
Masaki Satoh, U. Tokyo, JP
Vera Schemann, U. Cologne, DE
Sebastian Schemm, ETH Zurich, CH
Christina Schnadt Poberaj, ETH Zurich, CH
Thomas Schulthess, ETH Zurich, CH
Jörg Schulz, EUMETSAT, EU
Axel Seifert, DWD, DE
Catherine Senior, Met Office, UK
Jagadish Shukla, GMU, US
Horst Simon, ADIA Lab, UAE
Isla Simpson, NCAR, US
Manmeet Singh, IITM, IN
Adam Sobel, Columbia U., US
Pajam Sobhani, Latest Thinking, DE
Silvina Alicia Solman, CONICET, AR
Bjorn Stevens, MPI-M, DE
Philip Stier, U. Oxford, UK
Thomas Stocker, U. Bern, CH
Hang Su, IAP, CAS, CN
Petteri Taalas, WMO
John Taylor, CSIRO, AU
Susann Tegtmeier, U. Saskatchewan, CA
Georg Teutsch, UFZ, DE
Adrian Tompkins, ICTP, IT
Uwe Ulbrich, FU Berlin, DE
Pier Luigi Vidale, NCAS, U. Reading, UK
Yi Wang, ISD, CAS, CN
Charlotte L. Warakaulle, CERN, CH
Antje Weisheimer, U. Oxford, UK
Ricarda Winkelmann, PIK e.V., DE
Chien-Ming Wu, NTU, TW
Hao Xu, Tencent, CN
Najibullah Zaki, TU Darmstadt, DE
Laure Zanna, NYU, US
Tianjun Zhou, IAP, CAS, CN
Florian Ziemen, DKRZ, DE